News Video Audio Masters Wishlist Information
Video lineage:
Each of the lineages specify the source (Full HD Camcorder/MiniDV/... for example). When the generation matters, it's specified. Basically, when a show comes from a 2nd gen VHS, the lineage means VHS (M) > VHS (1) > VHS (2). The lineage also contains a generation of media. When it is VHS (2) > DVD (0), it literally means the transfer was done from 2nd gen VHS to master gen DVD, 0 means master gen but I only use it for submedias and not the original media it was recorded on.
Audio lineage:
I only specify a few types of media: Audiotape, Minidisc, DAT, Flash and PCM Recorder. I don't specify a generation for built-in memory recorders as I find it useless, I do specify it for older recorders that record on tapes, discs. Then again, Audiotape (1) means Audiotape (M) > Audiotape (1) while CDR (0) means the original master generation, then it goes CDR (1) > CDR (2) etc.
When there's a chance of mid-transfer between the original media and the final DVD/files, it's also specified. When unknown, "???" is added. Example: MD (M) > ??? > CDR.

This type of specifying lineages is based on how Hitman from Israel does that. You can check his site here and read details.