Video lineage:
Each of the lineages specify the source (Full HD Camcorder/MiniDV/... for example). When the generation matters, it's specified. Basically, when a show comes from a 2nd gen VHS, the lineage means VHS (M) > VHS (1) > VHS (2). The lineage also contains a generation of media. When it is VHS (2) > DVD (0), it literally means the transfer was done from 2nd gen VHS to master gen DVD, 0 means master gen but I only use it for submedias and not the original media it was recorded on.
Audio lineage:
I only specify a few types of media: Audiotape, Minidisc, DAT, Flash and PCM Recorder. I don't specify a generation for built-in memory recorders as I find it useless, I do specify it for older recorders that record on tapes, discs. Then again, Audiotape (1) means Audiotape (M) > Audiotape (1) while CDR (0) means the original master generation, then it goes CDR (1) > CDR (2) etc.
When there's a chance of mid-transfer between the original media and the final DVD/files, it's also specified. When unknown, "???" is added. Example: MD (M) > ??? > CDR.
This type of specifying lineages is based on how Hitman from Israel does that. You can check his site here and read details.
Each of the lineages specify the source (Full HD Camcorder/MiniDV/... for example). When the generation matters, it's specified. Basically, when a show comes from a 2nd gen VHS, the lineage means VHS (M) > VHS (1) > VHS (2). The lineage also contains a generation of media. When it is VHS (2) > DVD (0), it literally means the transfer was done from 2nd gen VHS to master gen DVD, 0 means master gen but I only use it for submedias and not the original media it was recorded on.
Audio lineage:
I only specify a few types of media: Audiotape, Minidisc, DAT, Flash and PCM Recorder. I don't specify a generation for built-in memory recorders as I find it useless, I do specify it for older recorders that record on tapes, discs. Then again, Audiotape (1) means Audiotape (M) > Audiotape (1) while CDR (0) means the original master generation, then it goes CDR (1) > CDR (2) etc.
When there's a chance of mid-transfer between the original media and the final DVD/files, it's also specified. When unknown, "???" is added. Example: MD (M) > ??? > CDR.
This type of specifying lineages is based on how Hitman from Israel does that. You can check his site here and read details.